The Challenge: Building Buying Consensus

How do you provide valuable insights about your product if you don't understand what your prospects value?

On average, 5.4 people are involved in today’s B2B purchase decisions. This creates differences in opinion that make it increasingly hard to reach a decision and many teams simply give up on purchases altogether. This scenario combined with a buyer- controlled purchasing process significantly increases the challenge for sales and marketing to influence the buying process.

Typically both business and technology functions are involved with initiatives that require changes in their processes and technology. Many technology vendors struggle to gain agreement between sales and marketing about who to target and who drives the decisions. Without internal alignment to your buyer's process it's exponentially harder to reach your prospects and for them in turn to gain consensus on purchasing from you.

Forrester Research

The Solution: Identify Your Key Buyer Personas  

4 Personas

We provide foundational insights about buyer's perceptions and problems to drive sales and marketing strategies that help build buying team consensus.
We work with you to analyze your buyers' motivations and buying processes. Determining the stakeholders who influence the sales process is essential to an effective marketing strategy. Persona targeting provides the strategic insights about buying processes, motivations, and behavior of target buyers.

Understanding the needs of each stakeholder as well as the kind of language they use to talk about business drivers and technology, can help you create marketing campaigns that are more likely to succeed. You need to refine your message to the individual level, depending on the person you're talking to, as they will be bringing unique perspectives and demands to the table.

Developing personas gets marketing communicating with sales and works to develop consensus around your strategy.  Personas become a valuable tool to gain agreement  - or settle arguments  — about who to target and, how to target them and what message and formats are relevant to them.  Personas provide your sales and marketing teams not only with insights into the key stakeholders but how they interact with each other and influence the purchase decision. With this in mind, you can design messaging and tactics to help them gain internal alignment and consensus on the value of your offering.  

71% of companies who exceed revenue and lead goals have documented personas vs. 37% who simply meet goals and 26% who miss them. 


Persona Creation

Key Components of Buyer Personas

What are the buyers business goals? What are their personal goals?  What organizational goals influence them?
Buying Process
What process do our buyers follow?  What is their buyer's journey? What is the funding process?
Buyer Thinking
What keeps them up at night? What perceptions and beliefs do they have?  How does this affect their purchasing behavior?
Influencers & Stakeholders ​
Who are the key stakeholders?
Who are the internal/ external influencers?
Who is on the buying team?
Which channels do our buyers use?
​What are their social networks?
What external sources do they regularly use?
Content and Information
What information do buyers rely on? How do buyers use and share content? What types of content affects purchase decisions?

Personas Create a Multiplier Effect Across Your Organization..

Focused Messaging

​By knowing the specific problems your customers face and who you're competing against you can personalize your messaging and content for your audience in a way that they'll find valuable. 

Targeted Campaigns 

When you know how your customers spend their time online, where they go to get their information will allow you to better target your content and promote it in the places your prospects are most likely to see it.

Better Quality Leads

Personas provide the information you need to make a personal connection and better direct your messages in a more relevant and credible manner to increase  the effectiveness of lead nurturing programs

Consistent  Dialog​ 

When both sales and marketing are pursuing the same targets and delivering the same messages, you'll  be better able to have a deeper dialog that 's more credible and more personalized. 

More Productive Sales​

​ Once you know which persona will lead to your most ideal customer, you'll also know which leads your marketing and sales team should be spending the most time on attracting and working

Putting B2B Buyer Personas Into Play

Understanding the B2B buyer journey can be one of the most difficult aspects of strategic marketing. But B2B marketers who understand this journey are better prepared in all aspects of strategy and campaign development.

You'll get more than just a few static buyer personas; they come with guidance on how to integrate them across your organization - incorporating the ongoing to development and refinement of your buyer insights beyond a one-time static pdf.  

We'll help you to maintain a rich knowledge base in of customer intelligence and operationalize these insights.  And help you integrate them into your existing business workflows and systems, to ensure you continue to keep a buyer-focused approach to sales and marketing.

Putting B2B Buyer Personas Into Play

If you're committed to growing your business, we're here to help.
Let's improve your marketing and grow your sales pipeline.  

Schedule a Free 30-Minute Consultation