9 Key Elements to Include in Every Sales Kit
Are you are a startup, early or mid-stage B2B company and struggling to make your numbers? If so, it could be the result of poor or non-existent sales enablement processes and associated assets (aka a sales kit). Early-stage companies often don’t have a well-defined sales process, sales training is typically “on the job” and  sales tools are provided on an as-needed and ad-hoc basis. So, how do you fix these problems? You need to focus on enabling the sales team to improve their odds of finding and closing deals. You need to determine where they will get the greatest return on their efforts, and what the Ideal Customer Profile looks like.  Beyond marketing infrastructure that provides air cover for sales (i.e. corporate website, advertising, social media, press releases, events,...
Developing Bottom of the Funnel Content To Drive Purchase Decisions
Providing sales with the content and context they need to effectively engage and support the buyer’s journey : What content do you need for the last leg of the buyer’s journey? How do you support the bottom of the funnel as your prospects begin to engage with sales? The concept of the  Buyer’s Journey is essentially a framework that  describes the cognitive steps each buyer must personally traverse leading from apathy (Do I care?)  
Understanding the Buyer's Journey and Influencing B2B Purchases

The importance of understanding the buyer’s journey:

One-way vendor controlled sales methods are dead – The buyer is now firmly in control – which is why inbound marketing is well suited to support today's buyer’s journey